The Word for World is Forest* | A Photo-Essay
The thing that the virus whispered into our ear, with its sharp voice, was simple and solid, "We are together in this...". That tiny thing, which was invisible to the eye at first, is now big enough to make our eyes bleed. The earth is a human colony…
Uygar Bulut in Photo-Essay, Culture, Covid-19 and Nature
Jul 20, 2020 · 6 mins
Post-pandemic Africa: Leadership for troubled times
As we head into a time of unavoidable hardship, but also a time of global reflection, the African continent which is no stranger to the struggles of the human condition, may yet have more to teach the world about surviving, leading and growing amid troubled times
Reon van der Merwe and Sumona Bose in Leadership, Africa and Covid-19
Jul 6, 2020 · 10 mins